

Our dyeing facilities are among the most reputable in the country due to the quality systems implemented, the use of latest machinery and the selective choice of dye stuff and chemicals. Our dye houses have a combined 68 dyeing production jets that range in capacity from 250 KG – 1500 KG and 16 sampling jets that range in capacity from 50KG – 100KG per batch. Our machinery allows us to dye up to 90,000KG per day, covering all the fabric requirements for our Apparel Division and having an excess capacity of 50,000 KG per day.
All our older machinery has been terminated as we now rely solely on the newer production jets from Thies and Sclavos that have reduced liquor ratios from 1:12 to 1:5. This is in-line with the organizations sustainability strategy to reduce water consumption, gas consumption and chemical consumption and subsequently our carbon foot print.